Monday 3 September 2012

Lesson and cosplay!

Yesterday and the day before was Otafuse the 2nd and it was fun. On the 1st day I cosplayed as Yuna gunner from FFX-2 and on day 2 I cosplay as Sarah Connor from Terminator 2 : Judgement day. But I don't think anyone notice I was cosplaying her. Haha. Anyhow, I'm not going to post about otafuse because no words can express how fun was it. But instead, I want to blog about what I learn in these two days from my friends.
Since before, I always have problem with confident. I may be loud and open but I'm not that confident as I have shown everyone. I have been trying to tell people, but they always think I'm bullshitting. Therefore, I kept silent and kept it to myself. But, on the 1st day, someone saw through me and asked me "Why do you look yourself so small?" My 1st thought was she was asking me why am I so short. I just replied her "Because I was born this way." She took my hand and said "You're a pretty girl, don't let this bad world pull you down." Without knowing what to do, I just smile and said thanks. After we chatted about ourselves and I learned that everyone is always fighting for what they believe. Everyone have weakness and strong point. After I chatted with her, I understand that everyone is good and bad. We are all wearing a mask, to show different side to different people. As for what I understand, I have about 7 different side. But from my friend (Walter) said I might have more for than 7, because I haven't show it to him yet. He explained to me the 7 different side I have are :-
1)The not confident side of me. Because of this side, I tend to get scare and get very sad when other compared me with someone else.
2)The loud and open side of me. With this side of mine, I tend to do retard and stupid things. Like touching my boobs right in front of any guy friends. Or just being random.
3)The fighter side of me. This side give me the will to fight for what I believe and love. Example: I will scold the shit out from someone till they will shit on their pants because they have no choice to, and I will do this all for a friend."
4)The I'm sexy and I know it side of me (LOL). This side is very confident and therefore it clashed with number 1. People who have 0 confident who have suicide already, I tried suicide a couple of time but the heavens always send someone to save me. Anyhow, Because of this side, it makes me, from what people might call me "Epic".
5)The soft and shy side. Yes, I do have this side with me. But only a few have seen it. More like "minta sayang dari hubby type of side" hehe
6)The mature side. I was also in shock that I have a mature side. Anyhow, this side let me make decision. I do believe that this side is still growing because it's only been a few months that I walked the working life.
7)The fuck you side. For this side of mine. I'm very proud of it. The reason I like this side is because, fuck you thats why. lol jkjk, It's actually because, it gives me a will to show everyone that looked down on me what I can do.
So there are the 7 side of me.
I also learn that, "Respect". How do you get someone respect? My friend Zack, told me that "If you want someone to respect you, you have to earn it. Respect is not something you can just give it to anyone, if you are doing that, it just show how stupid you are. So therefore, respect is by earn not give."
When he told me that, I kinda think to myself  "Now I know why I don't really respect anyone."
But anyhow, it's getting late and I need my beauty sleep. And oh! I know this is off topic, but during Otafuse,  3 guys confessed to me. 1 on the 1st day and the other 2 was the on the 2nd day. It was so odd! But, I felt pretty happy that someone would actually like a retard girl like me haha. But what's even more shocking was, I got a loving partner who loves me for all the flaws I have. I'm really happy that I met him. I hope the heavens will bless me and him to be together.

Me and Becky as Yuna and Rikku

Yuna and Boa Hancock

Me as Sarah Conner and Clarisa as Military

B.M.C Doing 360 pose

B.M.C girls( Me, Becky & Clarisa)

I got Head shot XD

And don't forget the classic. The duck face!

That's all for tonight good night xoxo~

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