Tuesday 22 October 2013

Dreams and internet

Lately, I have been online a little too much. My dreams is to know as much as I can and the internet fulfilled. 

I should get off the internet >.> 

Wednesday 16 October 2013


I am never a hardcore believer in religion.  I go to temple, I go to Church, I don't go to the mosque because of their rules but I do have same respect toward them. I am a free thinker, for I believe there is only the heaven and only one god. Everyone have their own believes, some acceptable, some too over the top. But, I still respect that.

I respect everything for what anyone wants to believe, for matter they can't take beef, can't eat for a month, can't eat meat on Fridays, even if your religion is base on a tree; I would and still respect it. But there is one thing I dislike and that is "the believer". To me, every religion is beautiful; but claiming your religion is the best and saying another is the devil's work will bring you a bitch slap on your face by me or even a round house kick by the head.

Every religion teach us to respect one another. No matter which Christian denomination you are, which quran you read, which god or goddess you pray to; we were all though to be humble, be kind, respect your friends and enemy.

One day :)