Tuesday 28 May 2013

How cruel this world can be, but at the same time how beautiful it can be.

Something came to mind today, everything in life seem so different now. I remember when I was younger, I wanted to get married at the age of 21. So when I was 16 years old, I was kinda scare that no one would actually love me. But look at me now? I'm going to be 20 on December and I'm still single. The thought of wanting to get married at 21 just disappear. I also remember when I was younger, I wanted to be a florist because I like flower, but soon after I want to be a baker because I used to bake with my mother. But when I finished high school, reality hit me and I started to get scare of what my future would be. I wanted to go study, but I couldn't get a loan from the government. So, the studies idea just drop. But with lots of up and down. I get to be where I am today.

What I'm trying to say is, sometimes what we dreamed of having/be when we were younger, don't really come up to be when we grow up. At some age when you hit mid 20's or early 30's some even before 20's you will realize how cruel this world can be, but at the same time how beautiful it can be.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Make up!

So, a friend of mine showed me her old and now pic of her skin and make up skill. So I guess I show mine too :)

Oh god why! At that time I have horrible skin. Pimples and blackheads everywhere! You can see how oily my face is at that time!Oh and look at that stress out face too!

Now: (Skin)
Now I take very good care of my skin and health. But because I'm working and staying up late because of work, I get eye bags and also the stress out look(Not as bad as last time laa). And don't mind the uneven bangs, I couldn't stand the length so I cut it myself because my hair stylish wasn't in town. :( 

Before:(make up)
This was taken mid last year for a friend's wedding. And Damn, my make up skill was bad. I couldn't even draw a proper eye liner. 

Now: (make up)
BAM, now I look like some bishie! As you can see, I have a wide nose and long face. I used to hate these two flaws the most, but after playing around with make up and talking to professional make up artists. I came to love my flaws. Instead of hating them, I should use them as my advantage. With some skill, I can make my nose look like I have a higher bridge. And with my long face, I can cosplay as a boy! And if I wanna cosplay as a girl with round cute face with the power of make up, it can be done so!

(P.S I was doing a costest for Okita Sogo from the anime Gintama)

Anyhow, that is all :)
Good night. xoxo :)

Monday 13 May 2013

My HK Trip.

Sorry for the MIA, I have been so busy with my new job and with election and etc.. Anyhow, I don't really know what to post, but how about my HK Trip pictures? I will only post a few.. I will post the rest in my FB, so you can check it out there.

I'm too lazy of a person to post it here. So there you go. I will try my best to post it all in my FB. OTL

Thursday 2 May 2013


So today I be typing in Japanese. I still suck at it, so please don't kill me ;_;


Today, I am very happy. Because the marathon was cancel!! Now I have more time to train. So that's all. I feel dizzy now. Sorry for the random post. Goodnight. Hahahahaha