Friday 11 January 2013


I'm typing this after rest time. *We got a badass here* Just now, during rest time I saw someone very familiar. We kept looking at each other, but we didn't even bother to say "hi", a wave or even a simple smile. For my case, I was scare that it was the wrong person and it be very embarrassing and maybe that person would feel the same.

So it got me thinking and it made me type an essay about it. haha. 
Sometimes it scares me that the strangers I passed by for one quick second without a real care on the streets today were once upon a time a part of my life. That I’ve just forgotten them as time seemly faded my memories as it does for old photographs. Reality sets in that we don’t remember every face or person that enters and leaves our life, and any stranger is someone from our past.

That stranger you passed by today could have been your classmate before. Maybe someone who you even had a crush on or admired. That stranger you passed today could have been someone of your friend, even someone you hung out with, but slowly drifted away when you guys took different paths in life and slowly forgot about each other. That the stranger you passed today, was someone you once saw everyday and changed your life somehow, and you’ll just never remember them.

It’s strange isn’t it? How many people that have been in our lives and how many people have left it. And it’s impossible to remember every single one of them, to remember every single person that has been part of the path we chose that slowly helped us be who we are today. It’s strange that these strangers we pass by everyday may of not be strangers to us a long time ago. And sort of sad to think about how many people we forget and will forget.

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