Wednesday 28 November 2012

A limit.

Have you ever though that every single one of us have a limit?

The other day, I kinda exploded. It was just another working day. But I don't know why, I had a very uneasy feeling. It's like I want to cry but can't. I though that it's already the time of the month, so I just leave it be. While working, A few friends (all guys) started chatting in watsapp and the topic came up was girls who used make up are ugly and I am ugly. I felt very angry when they say that. So i kinda exploded and said something very hush. I don't regret what I said, but they know very well that I'm very sensitive with my looks.

One of them told me to make myself better in ways that I can. Yes, I agree with it. But I just started in less then a month and he might have expected me to stand the "jokes". Have he ever though that not everyone the same? Some are weak and some are strong.

Try imaging this. For 7 years, every single time that you meet your friends and they called you ugly. Being with someone for 3 years and he never say I look beautiful, but called me an old hag. Yes, some might take it as a joke. But not me and many people out there. I have been called beautiful a couple of times, but I just can't see myself as beautiful. I just don't think I look good.

So before you make a comment, think what would the person feel when you made the comment. People with low self-confident are like a walk time bomb. They will explode when their reach the limit. Some will be minor case like say something hurtful or cry. Some might just self hurt or suicide. 

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